Illness and Accidents

If you feel unwell or have an accident you must tell a teacher straight away. Normally you will be sent to the School Office where a trained First Aider will take care of you. If you are too ill to remain at school or if hospital treatment is necessary then your parents will be contacted to make suitable arrangements.

Under no circumstances should you leave the school or go home without permission.


If you need to take medicine at school you should bring a letter from your parents stating when you need to take it Your medicine must be left with the school office. The only exception is if you have an inhaler for asthma. Please do not ask for aspirin or other tablets at school; we are not allowed to give you any medicines.

Signing Out

It is best to make medical appointments outside school hours. If you must leave school during the day for any reason then please bring a note from your parent in advance of the date.

You must sign-out at the school office and will receive an exit slip. If you return to school later on the same day then you must sign-in again. A copy of the exit-slip will be kept in your school record file.