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Message from the Principal’s Desk

“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those, who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”

In the Jay Bharat Vidhyalaya school , we enterprise to map academic excellence with a good human value system, which in myriad ways is ingrained in the culture of the school. To achieve this, we strongly feel that a paradigm shift in the minds of all stakeholders should take place so that when the school becomes the hub to initiate and formalize education it has its tenets enshrined in a good value system; the extension of which is thereby taken home where it is further strengthened. And our commitment to such education will always persist in all our endeavours.

Our Facility


Co-education provides a more realistic way of training both girls and boys to take their places naturally in the wider community of men and women


Our teachers encourage learning beyond the prescribed curriculum by conducting various programmes and techniques


Our technology based learning solutions help developing skills specific to the 21st century

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