School tuition fee is payable on a monthly basis. However, parents can deposit school dues for the whole year in advance if they so desire.
- Be punctual. Report to school and class on time. If a student arrives late in school he/she need to report to the office to receive an admit slip.
- Be regular and in proper uniform to school. Pupils to groom hair in a formal manner.
- Pupils are prohibited from wearing any kind of gold ornaments or fancy ornaments to school.
- Strive to be present every school day. Prior permission should be obtained for all absence barring cases of sudden illness. The Pupils should submit leave note to the class teacher. Staying away from classes for self-study before examination is not allowed unless study leave is officially announced by the school.
- Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the school.
- Gate pass must be obtained if any student wants to leave during school hours on emergency situations and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- It's compulsory for pupils to converse in English as it is the medium of instruction.
- Moving for the assembly the students have to observe the proper decorum and solemnity befitting the occasion.
- Playing or shouting inside the school building is strictly forbidden. While ascending the staircase keep to the right and descend by the left. In the corridor pupils to move along the right side.
- Every student must bring the school planner to the class daily. Parents should regularly check the pupils school planner.
- Students should bring all their books and other materials required for the day. They should be responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
- Home Exercises should be submitted regularly. Habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty or other acts of misconduct on the part of students will entail severe disciplinary action.
- Found property should be handed to the school office. If you lose something you have to inform to the school office and your form teacher.
- Students are not permitted to visit other classes even during intervals.
- Students are not permitted to bring expensive things, large sum of money, mobile phones, cameras, pen drives, no other electronic gadgets and any sharp instruments.
- Chewing gum is forbidden in school. Please do not leave litter. The school premises should be kept clean and tidy.
- Students must leave the campus immediately after school hours.
- The school property is your own. Defacement of school property will be penalized.
- Good behavior must be maintained both inside and outside the school, school bus and private bus. Every pupil is expected to behave in a polite manner while travelling by school bus or by private conveyance, queue system must be strictly observed.
- Respect your teachers, be polite to the non-teaching staff and also respect your fellow students. Avoid using abusive or profane languages and gestures. Respect the property sights of others.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech and good conduct are expected from the pupil.
- All instruction issued from time to time should carefully complied with